

September 12, 2024

The Good and the Bad of Beneficiary Designations

When you first buy a life insurance policy or open a retirement account, you will be given the option to name designated beneficiaries—meaning the people that would receive the money after you pass more

August 16, 2024

Steps to Take After a Person Passes Away

When a loved one passes, on top of processing the emotions that come with the loss, the people closest to the person have practical things that must get done. We have compiled a list to help those who have lost a loved one know what to do and more

June 1, 2024

What is Undue Influence?

As estate planning attorneys, one of the many things we watch out for when preparing Wills and similar documents is undue influence on the more

May 1, 2024

Please think twice before you add your child (or anyone) to your home’s title!

Over the years we have heard many people ask about or say that they plan to add their son or daughter (or granddaughter, etc) as a co-owner on their more

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